Beam Angle Rules

Here are some rules for the angle of the beam within a group of notes.

Direction of Stems connected to Beams

For groups of 2 notes, the note which is furthest away from the centre line of the stave determines the stem direction.

For groups of 3 or more notes the stem direction is determined by the poisiton, form the centre of the stave, of the majority of the notes

If there is no majority the note furthest from the centre of the stave determines the direction


When stem direction patterns are set it is better to stick with it and not break it.

Whenever a slur is placed over notes the stems should go down regardless of the rules and vice versa

Beam Slant/Angle

The beam usually follows the direction of the group of notes

When the group goes in different directions the first and last note determine the slant

The Amount of Slant/Angle

The following table shows the amount of slant that a beam should have when in a group of two notes

Interval Amount of Slant
2nd 1/4 space*
3rd 1/2 to 1 space
4th 1 to 1 and 1/4 spaces
5th 1 and 1/4 spaces
6th 1 and 1/4 to 1 and 1/2 spaces
7th 1 and 1/4 to 1 and 3/4 spaces
Octave 1 and 1/4 to 2 spaces

* A space is the with between two stave lines

For rules about tuplets click here.

Page produced by Adam Tee
Last modified: Wed Jun 7 11:03:50 BST 2000